Configuring VSCode to work with Minted (LaTeX), Conflict packages

This blog documents a latex fix for users who are using VSCode and Minted package.


I’m using VSCode to write my latex documents, and I’m using the minted package to highlight my code. However, I found that the minted package is not working. The error that I got was

Package minted: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag.

It works fine on overleaf. But I personally like to work on vscode for additional vscode extensions and shortcuts.

Link for reading of the fix:

Thanks for reading

Command nvidia-smi not found on my linux machine

This blog documents a strange thing that strikes me, and how I fixed it.


While I’m doing CS 285 homework, my own remote server ssh stopped its remote connection, caused me to go back home to check. After rebooting my ubuntu machine, I found that nvidia-smi is not found. I made some attempts, but it seems to not be an easy fix.


There’s something that relates to the kernel, I tried to reinstall the kernel, but it didn’t work.


It’s related to grub.

Thanks for being a part of my memory.


In Visual Studio Code, you can wrap lines of code or text in a few different ways to make them easier to read. Here are the common methods to wrap lines in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Word Wrap:
    • Visual Studio Code has a “Word Wrap” feature that allows lines to wrap at the viewport’s edge. To enable it, go to the menu:
      • View > Toggle Word Wrap
    • You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Z (Windows/Linux) or Option + Z (macOS) to toggle word wrap.

科目一 | 上海

94/100 一遍 -> PASS

科目一 Resources

Sources helped me prep 科目一 in Shanghai, China (C2 licence in China).

交通标志的 source(全的

Preparation Process (about 3~4 whole days)

我精简 500 道(一开始刷要多理解理解,会比较慢)完,然后模考了 10 次(三天每天 3 套,然后总结总结,后面很多题目重复的多了就变快很多)。上海题和新规题多看(我把上海题刷完了,没多少道,比较 tricky)

CS 189 Intro to Learning Theory

CS 189 Learning Theory blog

This is a blog post for CS 189 lecture on Learning Theory, contents are organized in the flow of the lecture. This blog isn’t the final version yet.

A range space is a pair $P$, $H$:

$P$ is set of all possible test/training points (can be infinite)

$H$ is a hypothesis class (set the boundary of legal classifiers), a set of hypotheses (classifiers)

  • e.g. all the linear classifiers
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Latex aligning equations

latex equation align

Daily tip of new latex skills.

I was search for ways to align multiple parts of an equation, and found this post on stackexchange.

The align environment is the vanilla way to align equations, and the & symbol is used to specify the point of alignment.

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Build a deep-learning workstation

Build a deep-learning workstation

not rely on any lab’s computing resource, learn & experiment with public deep learning repos. I can’t replicate the results on my XPS 15 RTX 3050TI 4GB GPU, which forces me to look at other resources. Looking at the pricing and setup needed to work with cloud computing, I found better returns by building my own deep-learning workstation. Trying and replicating the results of these repos are absolutely important for learning and creativity. Crazy GPU Speed isn’t my focus at the moment, but large GPU mem is the key. 3060 seems to be the most price efficient one in the market at this point.

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template post with syntax

This is a page that showcases all the syntax that are supported by fluid and hexo.

Index image in home page

title: 文章标题
tags: [Hexo, Fluid]
index_img: /img/example.jpg
date: 2019-10-10 10:00:00

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